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1969 CHEVROLET CAMARO BLUE, 124379N671578

1. Lot: 23632338

Vehicle Details:

Doc Type CLEAR (Michigan)
Car Status Vehicle Won't Start
Odometer: 15678.0(Not Required/Exempt)
Primary Damage UNKNOWN
Secondary Damage
Estimate Retail Value 15000.0
Recovery Cost
VIN 124379N671578
Seller Klein Motors

Body Style
Color BLUE
Key Key(s) Present
Transmission Automatic Transmission
Fuel Unknown
Engine Unknown Specs
Cylinders Unknown
N Date Auction Participants Auction Type Last Bid Sold Status Buyer Location
1 2018-11-06 18:25:45.0 Des Moines / Lane - 10400.0 Sold!
2 2018-02-26 17:20:45.0 Missoula / Lane - A 468 925.0 Sold on Approval!
3 2018-02-19 17:11:30.0 Long Island / Lane - A 1168 925.0 Sold on Approval!

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