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1992 BAYLINER OTHER Unknown, BP1A25CDE292

1. Lot: 22735597

Vehicle Details:

Doc Type BILL OF SALE (Mississippi)
Car Status
Odometer: 0.0()
Primary Damage Flood
Secondary Damage Front & Rear
Estimate Retail Value
Recovery Cost
Seller Marcos Auto Sales & Repairs LLC

Vehicle Type BOAT
Body Style
Color Unknown
Key Key(s) Missing
Fuel Unknown
N Date Auction Participants Auction Type Last Bid Sold Status Buyer Location
1 2018-07-20 16:57:33.0 San Antonio-South / Lane - D 200.0 Sold!
2 2018-08-10 16:52:16.0 Akron-Canton / Lane - A 75.0 Sold!
3 2018-08-17 17:08:47.0 Gulf Coast / Lane - 50.0 Sold!
4 2018-08-24 16:59:52.0 VA - Fredericksburg / Lane - D 75.0 Sold!
5 2018-08-03 17:26:37.0 GA - Atlanta South / Lane - B 100.0 Sold!

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