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2008 SUZUKI GSX1300 R MAROON, JS1GX72A382105974

1. Lot: 23924769

Vehicle Details:

Doc Type ORIGINAL (Texas)
Car Status Vehicle Won't Start
Odometer: 21459.0(Not Required/Exempt)
Primary Damage Theft
Secondary Damage Left Side
Estimate Retail Value 7488.0
Recovery Cost 70.0
VIN JS1GX72A382105974
Seller State Farm Group Insurance

Body Style Sport
Key Key(s) Present
Transmission Unknown
Fuel Unknown
Engine 1340 cc
Cylinders 4
N Date Auction Participants Auction Type Last Bid Sold Status Buyer Location
1 2019-01-16 18:04:13.0 Ashland / Lane - A 2500.0 Sold!
2 2019-02-22 17:05:46.0 NJ - Somerville / Lane - C 1341 250.0 Sold on Approval!
3 2019-01-21 18:11:45.0 REC RIDES - Online-Exclusive / Lane - 2400.0 Sold!
4 2019-03-01 15:41:48.0 NJ - Somerville / Lane - C 1034 250.0 Sold on Approval!
5 2019-02-15 15:46:57.0 NJ - Somerville / Lane - C 1402 250.0 Sold on Approval!

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