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2002 MACK RD688S RD600 Unknown, 1M2P324C62M063200

1. Lot: 22676768

Vehicle Details:

Doc Type ORIGINAL (Kentucky)
Car Status Run & Drive
Odometer: 0.0(Not Required/Exempt)
Primary Damage UNKNOWN
Secondary Damage
Estimate Retail Value 32000.0
Recovery Cost
VIN 1M2P324C62M063200
Seller Roberts Diesel Service Inc

Vehicle Type Truck
Body Style
Color Unknown
Key Present
Drive Rear Wheel Drive
Transmission Unknown
Cylinders 6
N Date Auction Participants Auction Type Last Bid Sold Status Buyer Location
1 2018-09-10 16:46:31.0 Omaha / Lane - A 13500.0 Sold!
2 2018-03-13 15:52:38.0 Minneapolis/St. Paul / Lane - A 1416 175.0 Sold!
3 2018-07-02 15:24:04.0 Baltimore / Lane - A 8500.0 Sold!
4 2018-10-08 17:53:30.0 CO - Denver South / Lane - A 9000.0 Sold!
5 2018-08-13 18:00:13.0 Specialty Division / Lane - 10500.0 Sold!

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